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Email: [email protected]
Ph: + 1 512-632-2210


The BOULE 1904 PAC is a multi-candidate federal PAC that was founded under the direction of Chairman Jim Cole, in 2016 with the efforts of Marcus Mason, Pluria Marshall and Royce West. BOULE 1904 PAC is a disconnected PAC meaning it is “affiliated with” but not “connected” to the Boule, given its 501c(3) status.

The PAC is “nonpartisan”.  The PAC is intended to support African American candidates who represent like interests for black and brown people.

The BOULE 1904 PAC gives to Archons and Archousa seeking federal office and, supports those candidates not affiliated with the Boule but who are recommended by an Archon/Archousa.

Two of the earliest beneficiaries of the BOULE 1904 PAC during the 2018 primary cycle were Antonio Delgado and Ayanna Pressley. Last cycle, Archon Warnock was the biggest beneficiary of the BOULE 1904 PAC via direct donations during the primary and the general and, via bundling efforts where the PAC worked with the Warnock campaign to send Boule member donations directly to the campaign during an event it co-sponsored with the CBCPAC.

The BOULE 1904 PAC outperformed the CBCPAC 5-to-1, raising more than $155,000 from Member Boules all over the country.

Moving forward, the BOULE 1904 PAC will be focused on candidates aligned with our members’ business and economic interests.  Of particular interest are those House and Senate candidates involved in policy-making in Financial Services, Banking, and Commerce.  Initially, we will focus on virtual events that will raise funds to be paid either directly to the candidate or to the PAC via ActBlue fundraising platform.  In person events will not be an immediate focus of the PAC.  All fundraising activity will be directed towards members of Sigma Pi Phi, only.  No outside donors will be sought. 

About the Politics and Policy Series:

The Policy and Politics series is a benefit to our donors who supported the PAC and gives them an opportunity to exchange thoughts with our nation’s leaders. The series invites elected officials to discuss their efforts on behalf of our community and serves as a platform for educating the Boule 1904 PAC on how to leverage their expertise, resources, and networks to help accomplish those goals.

The BOULE 1904 PAC has been intentional about educating its’ constituents on policy and education matters which affect the black community.

These policy updates have included.

  • Boule1904PAC
  • Posted by Boule1904PAC
  • Boule1904PAC
  • Posted by Boule1904PAC
  • Boule1904PAC
  • Posted by Boule1904PAC
August 8, 2023
  • Boule1904PAC
  • Posted by Boule1904PAC
February 20, 2023
  • Boule1904PAC
  • Posted by Boule1904PAC
  • Boule1904PAC
  • Posted by Boule1904PAC
  • Boule1904PAC
  • Posted by Boule1904PAC

These Policy and Education sessions come to you with the hard work and dedication of the BOULE 1904 PAC team who work ensure that our interests are represented. As a nonpartisan PAC, we look for opportunities to collaborate with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents that are aligned with our values and priorities. Help us with this work by contributing to BOULE 1904 PAC at the donate link below. Make your contribution, today, as we organize to support our collective agenda and seize the future!

Board Members

Loren R. Douglass  –   Chairman
Kenneth Harris Sr. –    Secretary
Pluria Marshall Jr. –   Treasurer
Marcus Mason  –         Member
Ceasar Mitchell –        Member
Nigel Stephens –         Member
Barron Wallace –        Member
Royce West –              Member
Michael White –         Member
Keith Wofford –         Member



Contributions or gifts to Boule1904 PAC are not tax deductible. Boule1904 PAC may accept contributions from an individual totaling up to $5,000 per election; Multi-candidate Federal PAC’s may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law prohibits contributions to the campaign from corporations, labor organizations and national banks; from any person contributing another person’s funds; from foreign nationals who lack permanent resident status; from federal government contractors. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.

By virtue of being constituted and operating as a political action committee under applicable federal law, the 1904 Political Action Committee is required to report certain information relating to each contribution it receives. The use of “Act Blue” does not reflect any political support of any particular party or ideology; rather, it reflects the use of a platform that allows the PAC to properly report information required by federal law.


email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 512-632-2210